WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.

Places that Help

Chat Rooms and Message Boards

September 18, 2019

There are a variety of support services available to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault on the Internet. We have listed some of these resources below.

Please keep safety in mind as you are using these resources. Only some of them are moderated and screened. Many of the message and discussion boards can be accessed by anyone on the Internet. Never post your real name or contact information to a chatroom or message board. If a resource requires that you choose a username, pick a name that does not include your real name. If you have to sign up using your email address, be sure to use a safe email address. It is also best to use a computer that the abuser does not have access to. For more information, visit our Safety While Using the Internet page.

Please note: WomensLaw.org has no relationship with these websites and cannot vouch for their safety or credibility. We provide these links for your information, listed in alphabetical order:

After Silence is a non-profit organization, message board and chat room for rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse survivors. Their mission is to support, empower, validate, and educate survivors, as well as their families and supporters. The core of the organization is a message board and chat room where victims and survivors come together online in a mutually supportive and safe environment.

Bloom by Chayn
Self-paced courses for healing and recovery. They also have an online 1:1 chat service to share reflections, feelings, and questions as you work through the Bloom courses. Through the chat, survivors can connect directly with Bloom’s team of survivors and allies around the world, who are experienced in supporting one another. Their global chat team speaks many languages and works across multiple time zones.

isurvive is an online abuse survivor support group. They are a volunteer-driven organization with a team composed of people from various places around the United States, Australia, Europe and the UK.They offer resources and forums where adult survivors of child abuse and their loved ones can seek support.

MaleSurvivor provides critical resources to male survivors of sexual trauma and all their partners in recovery by building communities of hope, healing, & support. Services include online discussion forums for male survivors and their partners, online therapist directory, professionally facilitated healing retreats and workshops for survivors,and training for professional across disciplines.

A safe and anonymous place for teens to get information and support from other teens with a chat room, Monday through Thursday 4:30-9:30 PST.

Pandora’s Project
The largest online community for sexual abuse and domestic violence survivors to chat, find resources and share their stories. Pandora’s Project provides information, facilitates peer support and offers assistance to male and female survivors of sexual violence and their friends and family.

SurvivorForum is a space for adult survivors (over age 18) who have been affected by childhood sexual abuse. The discussion forum is to share experiences and offer support to one another.