Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK) primarily provides services to Pan-Asian survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence. Services include: a 24-hour hotline, multilingual emergency shelter, advocacy services, outreach and education programs. Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence serves in Greater Boston and Greater Lowell.
Statewide Programs
Included in this list are programs that can offer help/referrals to victims of abuse throughout the state. (If you find inaccurate contact information, please let us know.)
Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence
Jane Doe, Inc.
Jane Doe Inc. (JDI), the Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence, is a membership organization that works to create social change, advocates for responsive public policy, promote collaboration, and raise public awareness, provide support to coalition’s members that provide comprehensive prevention and intervention services, and make an impact on public opinion concerning the issue of sexual and domestic violence.
Massachusetts Office for Victims Assistance (Boston Office)
Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance (MOVA) offers assistance to victims of crimes, witnesses, their family members, and direct victim service providers. Victim Services and Resources provides assistance to crime victims and connects them with local providers.
Massachusetts Office for Victims Assistance (Northampton Office)
Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance (MOVA) offers assistance to victims of crimes, witnesses, their family members, and direct victim service providers. Victim Services and Resources provides assistance to crime victims and connects them with local providers.
SafeLink Domestic Violence Hotline
SafeLink is the Massachusetts statewide domestic violence hotline and is operated by Casa Myrna Vazquez, Inc. in Boston. The hotline advocates are bilingual in English and Spanish and have access to a services that can provide translation in more than 130 languages. SafeLink’s services include: safety planning resources; a safe and confidential space in which to talk; a direct connection to domestic violence programs across Massachusetts; referrals to local domestic violence and other community resources; support and resources for anyone who is concerned about a victim of domestic violence, and information about domestic and dating violence.
The Network/La Red
The Network/La Red is a survivor-led, social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, BDSM, polyamorous, and queer communities. Services include: a 24-hour hotline, emergency safehome, crisis intervention, information and referrals, assistance with safety planning, court and medical accompaniment, victim compensation assistance, medical, legal, housing and other social services advocacy, in-person support groups, internet and computer safety, and GLBTQ attorney program.