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Legal Information: Oregon

Statutes: Oregon

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July 8, 2024

163.744 Complaint form.

(1) A person may initiate an action seeking a citation under ORS 163.735 by presenting a complaint to a law enforcement officer or to any law enforcement agency. The complaint shall be a statement setting forth with particularity the conduct that is the basis for the complaint. The petitioner must affirm the truth of the facts in the complaint.

(2) The Department of State Police shall develop and distribute the form of the complaint. The form shall include the standards for reviewing the complaint and for action. The form shall be uniform throughout the state and shall include substantially the following material:


Name of petitioner (person presenting complaint): _______________

Name of person being stalked if other than the petitioner: _____________


Name of respondent (alleged stalker):

Description of respondent:

Length of period of conduct:

Description of relationship (if any) between petitioner or person being stalked, if other than the petitioner, and respondent:

Description of contact:

Subscribed to and affirmed by:


(signature of petitioner)

(printed name of petitioner)


Dated: ___________________

(3) A parent may present a complaint to protect a minor child. A guardian may present a complaint to protect a dependent person.

(4) By signing the complaint, a person is making a sworn statement for purposes of ORS 162.055 to 162.425.