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Legal Information: West Virginia

State Gun Laws

Laws current as of April 1, 2024

I am a victim of domestic violence and the abuser has a gun. Is that legal?

In West Virginia, a person cannot have or buy a gun if:

  • s/he has been convicted of a crime that is punishable by imprisonment of more than one year, which is usually a felony;
  • s/he has been convicted of a misdemeanor offense of domestic violence, assault, or battery where the victim was a current or former spouse or intimate partner, a parent, or household member;
  • s/he is addicted to alcohol;
  • s/he is addicted to, or uses, drugs;
  • a judge decided that s/he has a mental illness;
  • s/he has been involuntarily committed to a mental institution;
  • s/he is unlawfully in the United States;
  • s/he has been dishonorably discharged from military service; or
  • s/he is subject to a domestic violence protective order that meets the following three requirements:
    1. it was issued after a hearing of which the abuser had notice and an opportunity to be heard;
    2. it restrains the abuser from:
      1. harassing, stalking, or threatening his/her intimate partner or a child of his/her intimate partner; or
      2. engaging in other conduct that would place his/her partner or the child in reasonable fear of bodily injury; and
    3. it either:
      1. includes a finding that the abuser is a credible threat to the physical safety of his/her intimate partner or child; or
      2. prohibits the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against an intimate partner or his/her child that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily harm.1

If a person is under 18, s/he can only have a firearm:

  • with his/her parent’s permission;
  • on his/her property;
  • while hunting; or
  • while traveling between areas where s/he is allowed to have a gun.2

Additionally, if a person is under the age of 21, s/he is not allowed to have a concealed firearm without a license.3

To read the definition of a felony, see What is the definition of a felony?

If any of these situations apply to the abuser, it may be illegal for him/her to have a gun. Also, federal laws, which apply to all states, may restrict an abuser’s right to have a gun. Go to Federal Gun Laws to get more information.

1 W. Va. Code § 61-7-7(a)
2 W. Va. Code § 61-7-8
3 W. Va. Code § 61-7-7(c)(1)