Independence House, Inc. provides services to victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Services include: a 24-hour hotline, shelter assistance, individual and group counseling, housing assistance, childcare, court advocacy, and prevention education and outreach. Independence House, Inc. serves Barnstable County and Cape Cod.
Local Programs
This page has contact information for programs that offer help/referrals to victims of abuse throughout the state. If you plan to contact a program via email, please review our Safety when using email page first.
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Please note that we list the organizations by the town or city where the office is located – however, many offices serve multiple towns or cities. You can click the “View All” to look through the complete list of organizations. If you are looking for an attorney to represent you in court or to give you legal advice about your situation, go to our Finding a Lawyer page instead.
Independence House, Inc.
Elizabeth Freeman Center (North County Office)
Elizabeth Freeman Center provides services to victims of domestic and sexual violence. Services include: a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter and transportation, safe phones, response to hospitals or police stations, counseling, safety planning, advocacy, LGBTQ services, counselors who work specifically with immigrants, and supervised visitation. Elizabeth Freeman Center serves Berkshire County and surrounding areas.
Elizabeth Freeman Center (South County Office)
Elizabeth Freeman Center provides services to victims of domestic and sexual violence. Services include: a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter and transportation, safe phones, response to hospitals or police stations, counseling, safety planning, advocacy, LGBTQ services, counselors who work specifically with immigrants, and supervised visitation. Elizabeth Freeman Center serves Berkshire County and surrounding areas.
The Women's Center (Fall River Office)
The Women’s Center provides services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child trauma. Services include: a 24-hour hotline, short-term shelter, legal and medical advocacy, counseling, and prevention and community outreach. The Women’s Center serves Asushnet, Dartmouth, Fall River, Fairhaven, Freetown, Marion, Mattapoisett, New Bedford, Rochester, Somerset, Swansea, Wareham, and Westport.
The Women's Center (Main Office)
The Women’s Center provides services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child trauma. Services include: a 24-hour hotline, short-term shelter, legal and medical advocacy, counseling, and prevention and community outreach. The Women’s Center serves Asushnet, Dartmouth, Fall River, Fairhaven, Freetown, Marion, Mattapoisett, New Bedford, Rochester, Somerset, Swansea, Wareham, and Westport.
Bristol County
New Hope, Inc.
New Hope, Inc. provides services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Domestic violence services include: a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter, counseling, safety planning, supervised visitation, housing stabilization, and police advocacy. New Hope, Inc. serves Central and Southeast Massachusetts.