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Statutes: Washington

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August 1, 2024

26.26B.090. Modification of judgment or order--Continuing jurisdiction

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section the court has continuing jurisdiction to prospectively modify a judgment and order for future education and future support, and with respect to matters listed in *RCW 26.26.130 (3) and (5), and *RCW 26.26.150(2) upon showing a substantial change of circumstances. The procedures set forth in RCW 26.09.175 shall be used in modification proceedings under this section.

(2) A judgment or order entered under **this chapter may be modified without a showing of substantial change of circumstances upon the same grounds as RCW 26.09.170 permits support orders to be modified without a showing of a substantial change of circumstance.

(3) The court may modify a parenting plan or residential provisions adopted pursuant to *RCW 26.26.130(7) in accordance with the provisions of chapter 26.09 RCW.

(4) The court shall hear and review petitions for modifications of a parenting plan, custody order, visitation order, or other order governing the residence of a child, and conduct any proceedings concerning a relocation of the residence where the child resides a majority of the time, pursuant to chapter 26.09 RCW.