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Preparing for Court

Virtual Hearings

Virtual Hearings

Updated: June 27, 2024

Basic info and definitions

What is a remote or virtual hearing?

Remote hearings, also known as virtual hearings, are court hearings that take place through a video conferencing system or platform. Generally, the court provides a link that you would use to join the hearing through your phone, computer, or tablet. You might be able to download it as an app or access it through a website URL.

Many states began to allow remote hearings when COVID-19 pandemic began and most courthouses shut down. However, in the years since the pandemic, many courts have continued to allow litigants to file documents electronically and conduct hearings remotely.

What types of remote hearings are available?

There might be different types of remote hearings offered depending on where you live. It is important to talk to your local court officials to make sure you understand how things will work in your case. A fully remote hearing generally means that the whole hearing will be online. Both parties, the judge, and any witnesses will appear via Zoom or some other court-approved program.

A hybrid remote hearing can mean different things in different places. In some states, “hybrid” might mean that the judge and one party appear in person, while the other party appears virtually. In other states, “hybrid” might mean that some parts of a case are held virtually, while other parts are held in person. In that situation, all of the parties would appear the same way. For example, in a custody case, a motion to continue might be heard virtually, and all parties would appear online. But then the final custody trial might be held in person, and all parties might have to appear in person.

How can I request a remote hearing?

To find out the options in your area, contact the local courthouse in which your case will be heard. These options are constantly evolving, and may be different in different counties even within the same state. In some places, it might be up to the individual judge who decides your case whether to conduct hearings virtually or in person. Therefore, it’s important to find out the procedure in the specific courthouse you will file your case in.

What are some pros and cons of remote hearings?

In many situations, the court will determine whether your hearing is remote or in-person. If you have a choice, however, here are some things to think about as you are making your decision:


  • Safety – you will not have to be in the same physical location as the abuser;
  • Convenience – you might not need to take time off work, get a ride to court, or find childcare;
  • Flexibility and timing - in some places, you may be allowed to schedule hearings at specific times, or within short time windows, instead of waiting at the courthouse all day for your case to be called;
  • Access - witnesses, victims, experts, and other important people may be able to participate in your case even if they aren’t located in your area.


  • Clarity – it can be harder for people who aren’t familiar with the court process to understand what is happening during remote proceedings;
  • Communication – if there are any issues with internet connections or confusion about technology, it can be hard to communicate effectively. This may also make it harder for you to get your points across or understand what the judge or the other party is trying to say;
  • Distractions – if you are paying attention to things going on around you or trying to get your technology to work, you may not be able to focus on the court hearing or participate effectively;
  • Privacy – if there is no option for you to blur or alter your background, everyone in the hearing will be able to see directly into your home. In a custody case, for example, a judge could possibly be influenced by something s/he sees in your home.

The remote hearing process

What will the court be like for my remote hearing?

The process for your remote hearing will likely be similar to an in-person hearing in terms of the order of events during the hearing. For example, each party might be represented by a lawyer. Before you testify, you’d likely be sworn in by a bailiff or other court personnel. And if a translator is needed, the court should help to arrange for one to be in the remote hearing.

However, there will be some differences.  For example, you may be kept in a virtual “waiting room” until your case is called. If you have a lawyer, and you want to talk to them during the hearing, you may have to type them a message rather than being able to lean over to talk to them as you would in a courtroom. If you are calling in using audio only rather than using video conference software, you would not be able to see the other party, the judge, and any evidence the other party is offering. This may be difficult and put you at a great disadvantage.

Can I still have an attorney represent me?

You will have the same rights in a virtual hearing as you would for an in-person hearing. You can contact a legal services organization to look for a lawyer. If you do get a lawyer to represent you, it’s important to talk to your lawyer ahead of time to plan out how you will interact during the hearing. For example, you might type back and forth to each other using an online chat feature. Or there may be an option to speak privately with your lawyer though a virtual “breakout room.” The options may be pre-determined by the court or the judge might allow you and your lawyer to choose.

How do I prepare for a remote hearing?

Here are some things you can do to prepare for your hearing:

  • Think about any documents or evidence you might want the judge to see. Your evidence can include anything that helps tell your story, such as medical records, photographs, text messages, phone records, etc. The judge will decide what evidence s/he is allowed to consider under your state’s rules of evidence. You may need to turn in (submit) all evidence and documents to the court before the hearing by scanning the documents or taking photos of them. The court should explain how and when you should submit documents. Find out the procedure as soon as you can. You don’t want to wait until the last minute in case there are problems.
  • Have copies of the documents with you so you can refer to them easily during the hearing.
  • If possible, set up for your hearing in a location where you will not be disturbed. Make sure that the audio and video equipment you are using is working properly.
  • Make sure you know how you will receive the video conferencing link:
    • Will it be posted online? If so, do you know where to find it? Do you need a password to access it? When will the link be posted?
    • Will the link be sent to you directly? If so, when will you receive it? Does the court have the correct email address for you?

If you do not have the link by the date you expected to receive it, let the court know.

  • Plan for your safety with a domestic violence advocate before the hearing. If the abuser does not know where you are, will s/he be able to figure it out from your video? For example, think about what the abuser will be able to see and hear in your video. Will there be familiar voices in the background or noises from outside that might give clues to your location? These are all things to consider when making a plan to stay safe.

Where can I find more information on the remote hearing process in my state?

If state-specific information about remote hearings is available in your state, you may find a link to it on our Download Court Forms page. If WomensLaw.org does not have such a link, please call your local courthouse to ask if there is any information they can provide to you directly.

In addition, the National Center for State Courts has recently conducted a survey of the status of virtual hearings in every state. You can click on your state for more information. Please note that this information is current as of December 2023, and the laws in your state may have changed since then.

WomensLaw.org is unrelated to the above organization and cannot vouch for the accuracy of their site. We provide this link for your information only.

Technology issues

What technology do I need for a virtual hearing?

To join the hearing through video conferencing, you will need a device that has the ability to connect to the internet, a working camera, and a microphone. If you have more than one device, such as a computer, tablet, or phone, test them all to see which one works best for you. If you are using a cell phone that has a limited amount of data, check that you have enough data available.

If you prefer to join the hearing through audio/phone only, check with the court ahead of time to see if this is an option in your area. If you are using a cell phone with a limited number of minutes, make sure that you have enough minutes available.

Regardless of how you are joining the hearing, be aware of battery life for any device you will be using. Keep electronics connected to a charger, if possible. If you need assistance to participate in a virtual hearing, you should let the court know ahead of time. In addition, be sure to communicate any accommodations or needs you have to the court due to any disabilities that you may have.

What do I need to know about the platform I will be using?

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • The court may conduct remote hearings through Zoom or other platforms (Skype, Webex, etc.) that require you to download software or install an app to join the meeting. The court should also provide you a link or phone number to join the hearing. The platform should be free but make sure to download or install it ahead of time. It may take time to fully download and you don’t want to be late to your hearing if you wait to do it until right before your hearing starts.
  • If you need to create an account to use the platform, be sure to create it ahead of time and make sure you know your password.
  • Try to test out the technology in advance. Make sure that you understand how to use the different features offered, and get help if you need it. The platform may have a “get help” section with a live chat option or phone number where you can ask questions.
  • Think about your internet connection - some platforms use more bandwidth than others. Be sure your internet is still reliable while you use this platform.

Your goal is to be comfortable with the technology and the platform before the hearing begins. Virtual court is still court, and you do not want to miss what is happening because you are trying to get your technology to work. It is very important to be able to give your full attention to the hearing itself while it is going on.

What do I need to know about the language interpretation or closed captioning features?

If your primary language isn’t English, find out whether the court will be using a live interpreter or if you have to use the interpretation features included on the virtual hearing platform. If the court is using the platform’s interpretation features, test the features out ahead of time if you can. Are there different options available if you download the app versus logging in through your web browser?

If you need to use the closed captioning feature because you are hard of hearing or for any other reason, make sure you know how to turn it on. If possible, try testing it out with a friend or family member to see if the captions are high quality and to make sure that it works.

For both features, language interpretation and closed captioning, you will want to be comfortable using them before your hearing begins.