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Información Legal: Misisipi


Leyes actualizadas al 3 de julio de 2024

What custody options are there?

After considering the best interest of the child, the judge can order any of the following custody arrangements or a combination thereof:

  1. joint physical custody, where each parent has regular and continuing contact with the child and a significant period of time when the child is in his/her care;1
  2. joint legal custody, where both parents share decision-making rights and responsibilities regarding the health, education, and welfare of the child; Note: A joint legal custody order also requires that you and the other parent consult before making decisions regarding the health, education, and welfare of the child;2
  3. joint physical and legal custody, where parents share both the care of the child as well as decision-making rights;3
  4. sole physical custody, where the child lives the majority of the time with one parent but can have visitation with the other; and
  5. sole legal custody, where only one parent has decision-making rights and responsibilities regarding the health, education, and welfare of the child.4

1 Miss. Code § 93-5-24(5)(c), (1)(b)
2 Miss. Code § 93-5-24(5)(e), (1)(c)
3 Miss. Code § 93-5-24(1)(a)
4 Miss. Code § 93-5-24(1)(d)