WomensLaw sirve y apoya a todas las personas sobrevivientes sin importar su sexo o género.
Estatutos Estatales Seleccionados: Carolina del Norte
Estatutos Seleccionados: North Carolina
22 de diciembre de 2023 7B-3504. Considerations for emancipation
In determining the best interests of the petitioner and the need for emancipation, the court shall review the following considerations:
(1) The parental need for the earnings of the petitioner;
(2) The petitioner’s ability to function as an adult;
(3) The petitioner’s need to contract as an adult or to marry;
(4) The employment status of the petitioner and the stability of the petitioner’s living arrangements;
(5) The extent of family discord which may threaten reconciliation of the petitioner with the petitioner’s family;
(6) The petitioner’s rejection of parental supervision or support; and
(7) The quality of parental supervision or support.
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