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Información Legal: Nebraska

Nebraska: Child Support

Leyes actualizadas al
30 de julio de 2024

Información básica sobre la manutención de menores en Nebraska.

How is the amount of child support calculated?

The judge makes temporary and permanent child support orders based on the Nebraska Child Support Guidelines.1  You can see these Guidelines on the Nebraska Courts website. The Guidelines consider both parents’ duty to support their child and their ability to pay based on their incomes.2

Using the Guidelines, the judge will do the following:

  1. Take each parent’s monthly income.3
  2. Subtract what each parent pays for taxes, retirement contributions, his/her health insurance, and any support s/he pays for another child. This amount is his/her net income.4
  3. Add both parents’ net incomes together. This amount is called the “combined monthly net income.”5
  4. Figure out the total monthly child support amount based on the combined monthly net income of both parents and the number of children to be supported. Note: There is a table that the judge will use to get this amount. You can see the table here on the Nebraska Courts website: Table 1: Income Shares Formula. Using the table, find the combined monthly income in the first column. Then go across to the box in that row that matches the number of children.5
  5. Decide what each parent’s share should be by dividing the monthly support amount between the parents according to what percentage each parent contributes to the combined monthly net income.6 

1 Neb Ct. R. § 4-202
2 Neb Ct. R. § 4-201
3 Neb Ct. R. § 4-204
4 Neb Ct. R. § 4-205
5 Neb Ct. R. § 4-206
6 Neb Ct. R. § 4-207

Can a child support order ever be different from what the Nebraska Child Support Guidelines say?

The judge can order more or less child support than what the Nebraska Child Support Guidelines say if this is in the child’s best interest. The judge can differ (deviate) from the Guidelines in the following situations:

  • the child or a parent has extraordinary medical costs;
  • the child has a disability or special needs;
  • the child is in foster care; or
  • using the Guidelines would cause the order to be unfair (unjust) or inappropriate.1

Also, if the parents’ combined net income is more than $20,000 monthly, the child support order can be more than what the Guidelines allow. However, with this income, the child support order cannot be less than what the Guidelines say unless there is a special situation listed above.2

1 Neb Ct. R. § 4-203
2 Neb Ct. R. § 4-203(C)

Where can I find additional information about child support in Nebraska?

You can find answers to common questions about child support and paternity in Legal Aid of Nebraska’s online handbooks.

The Nebraska Court System’s Child Support page has a Child Support Calculator that can help you estimate the amount of support that may be ordered in your case. People representing themselves can use this calculator for free for 30 days. 

Nebraska’s Child Support Services can help you get the child support you are owed. On their website, you can apply for child support services, request a change to your support order, and get answers to frequently asked questions about child support.

WomensLaw.org is unrelated to the above organizations and cannot vouch for the accuracy of their sites. These links are for your information only.