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: Virginia Occidental

Manutención de Menores

Leyes actualizadas al 4 de septiembre de 2024

How is the amount of child support calculated?

The judge will use specific West Virginia child support guidelines, including a table of basic child support obligations, when figuring out the amount that should be paid. However, it is possible that the judge could stray from the guidelines if using them would be inappropriate in a particular case.3

The amount of the child support payments will depend on many factors.  Some examples might include:

  • the number of children;
  • the amount of time the children spend with each parent;
  • the gross income of both parents;
  • the specific expenses involved in raising the children;
  • how many other children each parent has; and
  • other special circumstances.1

Parents will also be required to pay medical support for their children.2

The West Virginia Bureau for Child Support Enforcement has more information about how child support will be calculated, including worksheets and a link to a child support estimator.

1 See W. Va. Code §§ 48-13-403; 48-13-502
2 W. Va. Code § 48-12-102
3 W. Va. Code § 48-13-702